Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Easy.... MY ASS!!!! Toffee

Yeah, so we thought it would be a great idea to make some treats for Phinneus' "care givers" at his "school". So we decided to make toffee. Yanie made it last time we went to Chicahgo, she said it was "easy". That shoulda been our 1st alert...... So we asked for the recipe, & Yanie emailed it to us..... it was called "Easy Ass Toffee", that shoulda been our 2nd warning.... but we continued , blinder than NY's Gov. Paterson to what was about to happen to us.... I ran out in the middle of a snowstorm to hunt down the elusive carton of heavy cream (I later found out we had enough in the fridge!). I hit several not so convenient "convenience" stores with no luck & wound up at Shoprite (yeah Steve!!). When I got home the "easy" was already wearing off the toffee process.... Maggie was making the caramel (or carmel if thats how yous say it). Well after I took over disaster hit..... the molten caramel began to turn dark & began smoking!! That shoulda been our 3rd warning!!!!!!! So I turned the heat off in hopes I could save the day.... as this smoking brown ooze began to cool, it became increasingly oily and nasty looking!! S0 I heated it up again, stirred it until it was sorta blended & poured it on some saltines crackers(pieces of Chicahgo pizza less sauce & cheese). Then we covered it with chocolate chips, per the recipe & waited for them to melt as stated they would in the recipe.... Well they didn't melt. The chips stood there looking stoic, resisting the heat and the urge to melt. I even put the whole mess in the oven to try & "help".... but these chips were like aspestos!!! Sadly, after a good laugh & creating the "Easy.... MY ASS!!! Tofee" Moniker, we snapped a few pictures & sh*t canned the project.... We figured it was a blog worthy experience!


Trish said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! i can't stop laughing. did you taste it? it looks like coffee cake. you can always give them dry oatmeal.

Janie said...

oh i feel terrible. i will show you when you get here but i have a feeling yous don't want to know. lol. how did the chocolate sauce turn out?

bigtime said...

choc sauce is good, toffee..... bad

Anonymous said...

HA! So sorry things didn't work out, but at least you guys got a good laugh out of it!!

ShopRite ROCKS!! :)