Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So here is an outline of our travel:
  1. Saturday 12/21/09 approx. 5:00pm we find out that our flight the next day was cancelled already due to weather.... Continental accomodates us by getting seats for us on the 7:30am flight to Chicago.
  2. We have to get a car service to take us to the airport 'cause (pronounced "cawse" in Jersey) we need to leave by 4:00am in order to make the flight.
  3. Upon getting out of the van I noticed Maggies carry-on bag leaking white droplets of what can only be Phinneus' $9.50 per bottle formula.... 3 of the 5 bottles leaked (i didn't screw on the tops tight, come on I did it at like 3 in the mornin!) so we had to throw out the bag...
  4. 7:15, still on line.... I come to realize that we most likely aren't getting on this flight. Every single check-in agent at the counter had a person yelling at them..... see Continental decided to make their customers pay for each bag they put on the plane.... so there is a money transaction that needs to take place & it really slows down everything.... & this one guy lost his sh*t & started demanding that somebody get fired... It was like the domino effect... He started the reaction.... It became like the floor of the NYSE, everybody was yelling, kids were crying.... it was unbelievable.... Since I thaught we weren't making the plane, I took it cool & watched the madness...
  5. 7:20, somehow by an act of God & Baby Jesus we got checked in & through security. See the security was quick since nobody could get through the check-in line to get to security!
  6. 7:22, Maggie realizes she lost her ticket..... I laugh & prepair to get in the "flight re-assignment" line..... but thank God, Baby Jesus & St. Anthony a nice guy noticed our situation & directed us toward a ticket he saw on the ground. Thankfully it was Maggies!
  7. 7:25, we hear the "last call" for our flight, which was of course at gate 99.... yup the farthest one.... but once again we avoid disaster & just make it on the plane!
  8. We get situated, the plane leaves the gate & starts taxi-ing down the runway. Nothing can happen now right?? Wrong!!! Phinneus decides to take a massive stinky dump as we take off.... and of course the flight was bumpy so we couldn't get out of the seat to change him... We wrapped him in a blanket to keep the smell down...
  9. We get off the plane & Maggie goes to change the baby in the Ladies room... & of course Phinneus pees all over himself, his clothes, everything.....
  10. As we approach the luggage carousel we hear "passenger John Paul from Newark please report to the luggage service desk".... yup they lost 2 outta 4 pieces of our luggage... & of course they HAD to lose the baby's car seat....., monitor...... & all his clothes..... So we borrowed a carseat from the airport & headed to Gigi & Papa Ken's house.
  11. Late that evening they drop off the carseat, we give them back the borrowed one & they tell me that the suitcase is still "missing" and will probably show up "soon"....
  12. After 3 days of waiting, checking online & calling I ask what the policy is for re-embursing us for all the stuff we had to buy the baby & they have the coglione to inform me that because he sat on our lap & wasn't a ticketed passenger thay will not be responsable for any of his items....... I had an anurism...
  13. We go to Casey Gibson's house & Gigi leaves us the car so we can come home when we want, but took the keys so we were stuck there..... & of course when I opened the door the alarm went off........... Gordy had to come give us a ride, at like 10:00pm..... After Michele called the cops to come over & help us out..... We called off the heat & dealt with it ourselves...
  14. I fell down the steps carrying an "excersauser" & blew my knee out just before we left Gigi's fpr the airport..... ouch!
  15. Yesterday we get a call from Continental that they found our bag (of course we're home now)....... It had been "run over by something" the woman told me.... a bus, plane, who the heck knows... But everything was there & they gave us a new piece of luggage to replace it.....

This was a very interesting trip, I think I may write a memmoir about it.... Sh*t, I think it'd be a best friggin seller!!!!!!

We truly had a wonderful trip aside from the physical travelling described above..... Thanks so much to awlla yous that helped us out!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Xmas! Now grab your ankles!

So, we didn't get to Chigahgo today.... In fact our flight got canceled yesterday afternoon... due to weather!! And the folks at Continental decided it would be best to put Maggie on a 7:00 A.M. flight on Monday morning & to put me on a 3:00 P.M. afternoon flight....... So not only do they have me bent over a barrel, but the decide to check my prostate without any lube...... After 15 phone calls we finally got a nice woman (the 1st Ghetto Momma I talked to wouldn't do a darn thing, she said "dey gave y'all da bess availabow") to understand that we needed to get on the same flight becauase we had an infant travelling with us........ Of course she didn't have the authority to actually do that..... only a superviser can do that..... & it was a 2 hour wait to get a superviser to approve anything..... Thank St. Anthony, God & Baby Jesus that the phone stayed connected..... We finally both got seats on the 7:00 AM flight, in front of each other, but on the same flight...... So after putting my pants on after getting dry ass fisted by Continental I was informed that because we have to leave at 4:00 in the morning, my Dad can't take us to the airport..... Yup, the drawers came down & the airport shuttle company took a tern playing proctologist with me..... Thus I have to pay another $150 to get a car service to take us to the airport..... Ya see... They don't supply carseats, so you gotta bring yours, are forced to book a round trip pick-up & leave the seat with them. Hoping they don't lose it & remember to bring it with them when they go to get you..... They sure know how to put a damper on xmas spirit.... At least now I know that I should always have a tube of "personal lubricant" available when traveling...... My arse is soar............... Merry Xmas!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Easy.... MY ASS!!!! Toffee

Yeah, so we thought it would be a great idea to make some treats for Phinneus' "care givers" at his "school". So we decided to make toffee. Yanie made it last time we went to Chicahgo, she said it was "easy". That shoulda been our 1st alert...... So we asked for the recipe, & Yanie emailed it to us..... it was called "Easy Ass Toffee", that shoulda been our 2nd warning.... but we continued , blinder than NY's Gov. Paterson to what was about to happen to us.... I ran out in the middle of a snowstorm to hunt down the elusive carton of heavy cream (I later found out we had enough in the fridge!). I hit several not so convenient "convenience" stores with no luck & wound up at Shoprite (yeah Steve!!). When I got home the "easy" was already wearing off the toffee process.... Maggie was making the caramel (or carmel if thats how yous say it). Well after I took over disaster hit..... the molten caramel began to turn dark & began smoking!! That shoulda been our 3rd warning!!!!!!! So I turned the heat off in hopes I could save the day.... as this smoking brown ooze began to cool, it became increasingly oily and nasty looking!! S0 I heated it up again, stirred it until it was sorta blended & poured it on some saltines crackers(pieces of Chicahgo pizza less sauce & cheese). Then we covered it with chocolate chips, per the recipe & waited for them to melt as stated they would in the recipe.... Well they didn't melt. The chips stood there looking stoic, resisting the heat and the urge to melt. I even put the whole mess in the oven to try & "help".... but these chips were like aspestos!!! Sadly, after a good laugh & creating the "Easy.... MY ASS!!! Tofee" Moniker, we snapped a few pictures & sh*t canned the project.... We figured it was a blog worthy experience!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

new pics

Well, here are some of the latest pics of our little dude! My favorite is the shot of our father/son bonding!!! He's already got his New Jersey face on!!! I'll get those Santa pictures up as soon as we download them. There hasn't been much time to do anything with all the Xmas stuff (parties, shopping, etc.), trying to prepair for the trip & now the baby has a cold!!!! Oye!! Well thats all folks! Bye for know!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

xmas countdown

Well, we're on the official xmas countdown.... funny thing about the xmas countdown is that as we're counting down the days, I count up the pounds.... Every year I expand to oompa loolpa-ish proportions!!! Tonight we celebrated xmas w/ my parents, so it was a food bonanza... A "eating event"...... I ate about 20 lobster sized shrimps & a ton of other appy's before the main event! Stuffed shells, salmon, bread..... oh my!!! I think I have stretch marks from the amount of food I ate!!!!! Then dessert just about put me in a coma..... cookies, cannoli... oh my! Phinneus cleaned up with the presents at my parents house. We did alright too!!! I don't know what his favorite gift was, but he likes trying to eat everything!!! See, he is in the middle of getting a tooth (1st one!!) & he tried to chew on everything, even mommy & daddy!! After all the food, Maggie & I had to take a walk! We went to CVS to see if they had cereal for the baby. It was good to try to moove around!

Friday was the annual "Holiday Party" at Groupe Seb USA, or as I call it "Maggies Work"... We brought the baby & he stole the show. He loved looking at all the decorations and all the different people. He was passed around to a bunch of people & didn't make a fuss at all!!! He was smiling and "flirting" with all the ladies.... After all the food & prizes were raffled off (we didn't win this year) Santa Claus came over to see all the kids!! Poor Phinneus was exhausted from all the partying he did & fell asleep just before he was called to sit on Santa's lap. He managed to open his eyes for a second & we snapped some pictures (soon to be posted)...

Well, it's time I roll my corpulent self into the bed & ready myself for another day in the 'ol salt mine!


Saturday, December 6, 2008


Yeah, so we started the cereal. At first Master P didn't dig the texture & would only tollerate about 2 spoonfulls... Well, I'm happy to report that he has totally embraced the cereal! In fact when he gets home from "school" he starts "complaining" until he gets the cereal! He automatically opens his mouth when he sees the little bowl & spoon!!!! & between swallows he bounces up & down with excitement in his chair! He'll even laugh & smile with the food in his mouth (cute in a sloppy way!). I think he really enjoys it now! We enjoy how the cereal makes him sleep through the night! Seriously!! We feed him his last bottle & he takes it in his sleep!! Now that's impressive, eating in yo sleep!
So we're prepairing for our by-annual holiday pilgrimage to the land of sahsage (sawuhsage in jersey), ruffs (roofs in jersey), & hotdohgs (hotdawgs in jersey) covered in every sammy condiment w/ seeded buns.... Yes we're going to Chicago! It'll be the little guys first trip away from the east coast. We hope he can handle the airport & of course the plane.... & please Gahd (God in Jersey) don't let us be delayed! It's gonna be one heck of a trip this year! Babies 1st X-mas!
I think we are going to have lunch with Amy & Andrew tomorrow. It'll be cool to see them. We're gonna do the "brunch" thing. That's always fun! Then hopefully we'll have time to see some of the x-mas stuff before we have to get going.. provided it isn't too cold & the baby can handle it! Well, time to start putting the casa back together!

Monday, December 1, 2008

back to work..... nuts!

Well.... today was a tough pill.... Back to work Monday... After a wonderful break for Turkey Day, just hanging with my lovely, beautiful wife and our son! I think reality is effecting My Babuh & I more so than the baby. He was fine when I dropped him off at "school". He saw his buddy Octavio & instantly was locked into staring & observing him. It wasn't such an easy switch into gear for me, that's fo sho! I had rehab in the morning (sweaty), then had to get my clothes from the cleaners & then go home for a shower.... But I got it all done & managed to make a few crybaby customers happy to boot! Only 3 weeks 'till our next holiday vacation & "baby's 1st airplane trip!"

We think Master P is "teething"... or at least "toothing" fo sho! He is gnawing on everything! & he gets a 'lil upset here & there which is a symtom of the teeth/gum thing.... Yesterday we gave hime some "baby ambesol" to ease his 'lil pain.... Judging from tho look on his face the flavor definately wasn't anywhere near that of formuler... But it took the pain away! I hope there is a break in the toothing action during xmas.... Here we go telling everyone that he doesn't cry anymore & watch.... he'll be crying the whole time from the teeth!!!! I dunno who this Murphy guy is.... But his law really stinks!!!!!!!!
