Saturday, October 18, 2014

Big slobs

What up? Went out to get in on the stellar fall jigging that's available right now off the great garden state!  It was a great day, in fact I feel like I stepped in the ring with Tyson in the 80's....  There was a big swell, we rode a 7 footer into the inlets like we was a surf board...  Only we was a 115' boat that displaces tons of water!!!  We went about 20 miles & jigged hard for some 12-18 pound absolute brute bluefish.....   It is amazing how therapeutic going out there is for me...  I'm trrrrrrrrrrd!


Michele said...

Wow,awesome pumpkins eh Johnny!! And looks like a great, fabulous day on the water!!!! Love that for you!! Do you cook these fish?

Unknown said...

Hey no Michele. These fish are blues and do not taste good. To me anyway. they are super oily.
So happy you got to go out and do your thang Babe!

bigtime said...

I kept one for my parents... The rest I gave away