Monday, March 8, 2010

ears n tubes

So yesterday Master P had to get his ears drained and tubes put in so he can hear better. It was a 5 min proceedure, but it was tramatic... for us!! I went in the room w/ him and had to be there when they knocked him out.... NOT FUN! They gave him a little looney tunes hospital gown to wear, and the little hospital socks... he looked cute... After the procedure he was a bit spacey and grumpy. But after an hour or so he was back to his old self! I think he can hear better already! Well, we are getting ready for Gigi & the Chicago peeps coming out for Amyfest! I'd say I'll keep ya posted, but the only people who read this rag will be here! ha!


1 comment:

Trish said...

so happy everything went so well. can't wait to see yous. yay!!!