Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh Yeah!!!!!!!

I'm Back peoples!!!!!! The heart ordeal is over!!!! I had the "cardiac cath" done on Wednesday & the Dr. confirmed that what they seen in the pictures from the stress test was what they call in the business a "false posative"..... So after 2 weeks of thinking I was a goner.... I've been given a clean bill 'o health!!!!! I'm gonna use this as a "scared straight" program..... tomorrow I'm going to the weight watchers.... gonna take off some pounds... ya know for the heart....... I'm happy I didn't have to stay in the hospital over night.... I got wheeled out to the curb at about 7PM on Wednesday... Now I'm home. I can't go up the stairs or drive cuz if the artery they snaked the camera up happens to "pop" as they say, I'd be in big trouble.... So I pretty much am perscribed hours on the couch in front of the TV..... In a week or so I can start working out again, & I should be able to drive on Monday...... My doctor said he looked around the whole heart & the stents from a few years ago look good, and that there is no new "disease".... so thats awesome news!!!! I got to take a shower today, I was pretty psyched about that!!! anyway.... I thought yous all would wanna know the deal!!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!!!!! and candles (Gigi & Michele!!!) I'd like to take a moment to thank my wonderful wife for being so strong for me when I thought i was toast! and to thank her for taking care of me since I got home!!! Thanks Babe!!! I Love You!!! I'm glad i didn't have to get cracked open for a bypass!!! Now we don't have to postpone our scheduled trip to the greatest place on our great garden state (home of the best tomatoes and corn!!) Atlantic City!!!!!! Ohio & Bekah, yous better be ready!!!! now the blog can get back to normal..... next post will be full'a baby stuff!!!!


Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAY!! So happy to hear that you've been served with a 'clean bill 'o health'!! I'm sure the whole house was psyched about your shower >;)

Dude, we are SO ready for AC that our bags are already packed!!!!!!

Trish said...

NICE! couldn't be happier to hear the good news. have a blast in ac. good luck with ww. i know you'll do great.