Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Yeah, so we have been blessed with our 1st snow of the season. I must say I don't think I've ever seen a such a small amount of snow cause so much chaos in my whole life! They closed Phinneus' daycare place early, so Maggie & I had to make a mad dash to try & get there by 3pm when they closed up shop. It took the both of us 2 hours to get there! I haven't seen so many trees come down in about 9 years! I wonder what Phinneus thought of the snow? Did the scene unfolding outside of the window blow his little mind? Could you imagine seing snow for the 1st time?? Above is a cute picture of our 'lil cowboy! Monday was Maggies birthday, so if any of yous haven't wished her a happy birfday, yous better get to it! More pics to follow once I have time to download them!

1 comment:

Trish said...

Holy Cowboy!!!!!! He looks so at ease in his hat. Yee Haw. Too cute. Can't believe you guys got that much snow. Oh my.