Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer..... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems to happen every year... It's cold, grey, wet, then one day God flips the switch & it's 300 degrees w/ 1,000 humidity! Thanks be to Bernard for this metamorphasis! I don't know what I would do if for 3 months out of the year I didn't glissen w/ sweat 10 seconds after getting out of the shower, or to not feel the sweat roll down my man teets. I really enjoy the pseudo Hugh Grant poofy humidty hair (although my dew is way thinner & I'm sporting a nice sunburned scalp). Those of you w/ curly hair get afros.... I get poofy, wavy hair that ultimately becomes oily... Thank the Lord for Yankee hats!

Today is so humid I can't see down the street. It's like Kenvil has been engulfred by a cloud! At least it's only forcasted to be 94 today...... They say 97 on monday..... That should be fun! It must be a blast to be 9 month pregnant in 100 degree heat! Lets hope our A/C doesn't crap out!

So My Dad got himself a new (new to us, it's a '03) full sized pick-up truck, & of course we borrowed it within the first 3 seconds he owned it. We shot back down to IKEA to get some more home furnishings that couldn't fit in the cars the other day. The trip was uneventful up 'til Maggie thought I wasn't paying attention to the road on the way home. She screamed "Watch out!!!!! It's a turn!!", as we approached a turn that I usually negotioate at least once a day..... It was funny... She scared the crap outta me!! I almost drove off the road!! At least I know she's there to back me up if I ever really zone out & don't see an upcomming turn!

No new Baby news.... We'll let yous know if anything happens!



Janie said...

oh this heat!!! we have the same in the windy city. so, it's 94 with 100% humidity and sitting outside is like sitting in the dryer blowing hot air all around. i call my fro, the halo. just a nice puff surrounding my glistening greasy face. it's lovely. lets not discuss the "niblets" i have in the back of my head. that's what the sista's at work call the fro in the back.

bigtime said...

Niblets....... oh my!

oz said...

I was in Virginia yesterday and it was TOASTY down there too...BLEH!

I think you should do a baby check-in at least every 24 hours...the suspense is TOO much for me to handle!! :)