Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Due Date

Well, today is the due date for the baby, & we're not at the hospital for delivery. Instead Maggie is at the doctor's for a baby check-up & I'm waiting around here for the electrician to come & fix our power..... See, yesterday after I left for work the power went off in half of the house & never came back on.... I called an electrician who came over in the afternoon to take a look at our situation. He thought it would be an easy fix, & cost about $380 to fix... Then while he was taking a closer look he realized that the problem was the "service" to the house, that's the main cable that brings the juice into the house from the connection to the pole. See, the main wire's insulation had rotted off & the wire was arching against the aluminum gutter, that caused the improperly connected meter to burn out half it's guts... thus we have half the power to the house... So... for $3,800 we are getting the electrical problem rectafied..... Hopefully Maggie will get good news at the doctor & we can get the baby show on the road!


oz said...

Uhm...was that $3800 a typo??? You really meant $380, right?!?!?

This baby is SO freakin' close to being born, w000000000t!!!

Unknown said...

No girl friend, no typo!!! Can you believe that shit?!!! Oh well at least its fixed.

oz said...

Very true. It's the worst though, spending so much money on stuff like that. Right before Rachie was born we spent $1000 on our septic tank :| It had to be done, but we were NOT pleased!