Friday, May 30, 2008

Out w/ the mucus plug... In w/ the Clan Macgregor

Well, today Maggie lost her Mucus plug. I guess in laymans terms, we can refer to it as a "baby seal".... So when it's almost baby time, the seal gets 86'd so the baby can bust out onto the scene. Knowing that since the baby seal has been broken, and we probably have a week or less 'till the big show, I decided to purchase the ceremonial bottle of Clan Macgregor for Gigi. This way it's in house upon her arrival & we don't have to go out & get it, or worse it's late & the store is closed.... My babuh laughed at me & said "you love it when Gigi's here cuz you have someone to have cocktails with & you get all of Gigi's undivided attention"... I laughed, then agreed she was right.. and we had a good chuckle over it.... Of course I realize that this isn't the typical Gigi visit, but the Gigi visits are anything but typical... I'm sure good times will be had by all welcoming the next generation of the Paul clan into the world. I know that my babuh is ready to have her body back, & we both can't wait to meet our child! It's way cooler not knowing what we're having... It's kinda like gambling, the whole not knowing thing, It could go either way. It gives me a rush!


oz said...

OMG!!!! You guys are SO damn close!?

I lost my...uhm...plug :\ Nine days before we had to go in for an induction. I think 'gross' is a good word to describe my feelings when it happened :| Pregnancy is the CRAZIEST experience ever.

SO excited!!

Unknown said...

I hope so Bekkah! I am one centimenter dialated as well so we'll see. I am hoping the baby decideds to wait another week or so...

Janie said...

i am feeling june 3rd will be the day. it is speaking to me for some reason. I CAN'T FRICKIN WAIT!!!! yes, the plug is one big booger. disgusting. you know john paul is papa ken in the making if he can talk about the mucus plug. god love him. i lost mine and waited another week before induction. but for some reason the 3rd is stuck in my brain. sleep sleep and then sleep some more before that bubbah comes out. gigi is the BEST newborn caregiver. she will do everything so you don't have to worry. she won't know what to do with herself because you are so organized. she will find something to clean or iron, don't yous worry! did you buy the big jug of clan mcgregor? she be likin them scotches yo! in the red solo cup.

Unknown said...

I do believe John bought the big jug. Poor Mom, she sounds like all she likes to do is drink scotch! Funnay! She calls me on the hour every hour. She thinks I am going today... She told me she put her cell phone next to her bed just in case. watch me not have this baby for 2 weeks. I try to keep telling her to chillax!

Trish said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! You are funay!!! I can't take it john Paul!