Thursday, May 29, 2008

Coffee is Lord!

Well, today is my super early day. In fact, it's super early right now!! I got my arse outta bed at 4:10 in the morning!! When you get up that early, you realize the true value of coffee! Nothing better than grabbing that first cup. In fact just smelling the aroma wafting down the hall from the Mr. Coffee (we use the timer feature) is the first phase of coffee's ability to awaken. By the time I get half way done with the first cup, I feel better!

The great thing about coffee is the wide variety of tastes & flavors available out there. They have a taste for every palate out there. I like just about all of 'em. Cappuccino, Latte, espresso, folgers... whatever, GIVE IT TO ME!!

Is there anything better than dessert with coffee?? Without coffee, what would we call coffee cake? Cookies, cakes, pie, pastries.... all go with your favorite brew!

I like a cup of coffee when I'm in the car!! It just feels right!! Or a cup of coffee when it's cool outside, & the steam is dancing off the cup.... OH MY!!

I think I just convinced myself to get another cup!



Unknown said...

You describe it perfectly! Coffee rules! Sorry you had to get up so early!

Janie said...

coffee is an essential part of my day. i could probably be fine with out it in the morning but i am addicted to the ritual. i have one cup at home and then to the coffee shop for my vanilla coffee in what i call my sippy cup. something about the lid and the sleeve is a comfort to me. call me crazy. and i love the fact that they have it waiting for me is special to me. i'm a dork, i know.

bigtime said...

I prefer the regular locking type lid vs. the sippy lid on all "to go" coffees. I take mine blizack w/ no milk so the sippy cup is like a death sentence to my tongue & punching bag thingy..... w/ the regular locking type lid I can guage the level of pain I'm gonna experience... The sippy cup is torture.... TO ME!

Janie said...

ah, makes sense. i do like my half & half and splenda (i know, i know maggie!) well when we open the diner we might have to have an option. and i COMPLETELY agree with you on the dessert coffee. i still dream of the coffee they had at amy's wedding. best damn stuff ever! i think it was the china cup and saucer? i felt fancy.

bigtime said...

can I make pizza at the diner?

oz said...

LOVE me a good 'ole cup of joe! I'm totally into the soy lattes lately.

EEEEVERYTHING's better with coffee...or is it cheese?! :\

Janie said...

well of course you can make pizza. we can do whatever we want! hale ye--ya!

bigtime said...

Coffee vs. Cheese cage match....

oz said...

I guess coffee would have to take cheese in my cage match, since I'm not physically addicted to cheese :\