Thursday, May 22, 2008


First things first.... sorry my posts have been few and far between lately... I've been busy like that yo! Now on to the post.....

Have yous ever noticed that everything is better with cheese... Think about it... a Pizza with no cheese is just a pita with sauce on it... a cheesedoodle less cheese is just, well a doodle! Add some cheese to a burger & it's just better... I can give you many examples of how much cheese rules.. Heck, it's a source of state pride in Wisconsin. I've only been in Wisconsin once, and let me tell you.... They be lovin' their cheese!! We went to Mars Cheese Castle. It's like THE cheese shop... Everything cheese.... They even have this powdered seasoning called "cheesoning" All cheese, all the time! What I'm really gettin at is this..... I loves me some cheese!

At our house, we use the phrase "w/ cheese" to describe how much we like, or how strongly we feel about something! I love my babuh!!! With Cheese!!

So My babuh (whom I love w/ cheese) is done w/ work 'till after the baby. So today she went through all the baby stuff, returned some stuff, exchanged some, bought some new stuff.... Went to get the crib & then disaster struck. The crib we picked out got recalled for a "product investigation". Now we are kinda uncomfortable getting this model crib. There was obviosly an "incident".... We are totally bummed, we really liked the way that one looked... Oh well, back to crib shoppin' again!

Have yous guys noticed the gas price this week!! It really went up!! It was $3.63 yesterday & is now $3.79..... I'm totally bummin!!!!!! gotta get a fuel cell car!!!!!

Peace out yo!


Janie said...

dude, gas out here in chi-town is over $4 a gallon. the station across from my work is $4.25!!! ridiculous!

i love me some cheese too. i don't care what it does to my muffin top (cake top now)around my waist.

sucks about the crib but you don't want that snit collapsing or something! you will find the right one. not much time though...better get a move on!

oz said...

eeevveerryything's better with CHEESE!!! :)

Unknown said...

Cheese rules!