Saturday, April 12, 2008

oh my

Baby class today... movies.... many movies..... like watching a football being forced through a bagel..... Oh OOOOHHHH!!! Not trauma-tized though... Not even after the fully nude hippy lady birth...... or the explanation of a taint being ripped.... Or finding out that my diaper skillz suck arse.... I still plan on winning hubby/dad of the year awards this year!!!!!!

1 comment:

oz said...

HA! I've always wondered about those chicks that give birth naked!?!? WTF?! Don't their hospitals at least have gowns?!?! It was mid-July and I had a gown on AND a blanket over me.

As for 'ripping', surprisingly there are worse things in the world ...the human body's ability to heal is a wonderful thing :)

You and Wrigs will make kick-ass parents!