Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh Yeah!!!!!!!

I'm Back peoples!!!!!! The heart ordeal is over!!!! I had the "cardiac cath" done on Wednesday & the Dr. confirmed that what they seen in the pictures from the stress test was what they call in the business a "false posative"..... So after 2 weeks of thinking I was a goner.... I've been given a clean bill 'o health!!!!! I'm gonna use this as a "scared straight" program..... tomorrow I'm going to the weight watchers.... gonna take off some pounds... ya know for the heart....... I'm happy I didn't have to stay in the hospital over night.... I got wheeled out to the curb at about 7PM on Wednesday... Now I'm home. I can't go up the stairs or drive cuz if the artery they snaked the camera up happens to "pop" as they say, I'd be in big trouble.... So I pretty much am perscribed hours on the couch in front of the TV..... In a week or so I can start working out again, & I should be able to drive on Monday...... My doctor said he looked around the whole heart & the stents from a few years ago look good, and that there is no new "disease".... so thats awesome news!!!! I got to take a shower today, I was pretty psyched about that!!! anyway.... I thought yous all would wanna know the deal!!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!!!!! and candles (Gigi & Michele!!!) I'd like to take a moment to thank my wonderful wife for being so strong for me when I thought i was toast! and to thank her for taking care of me since I got home!!! Thanks Babe!!! I Love You!!! I'm glad i didn't have to get cracked open for a bypass!!! Now we don't have to postpone our scheduled trip to the greatest place on our great garden state (home of the best tomatoes and corn!!) Atlantic City!!!!!! Ohio & Bekah, yous better be ready!!!! now the blog can get back to normal..... next post will be full'a baby stuff!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Scoop

Here are some new pics of Phinneus.... Don't get scared of the ones with the crazy eyes... I don't know how to fix 'em.... I just take the shots, if they come out bad, oh well!!!!! So Master P is spending the afternoon with his Jersey grandparents & Maggie & I are relaxin' and finishing up the weekend clean-up... yous all know the deal..
I'm getting my situation addressed on Wednesday. So I'm gonna be on vacation for a few days..... Probly gonna watch some quality programming. Ya know, The Godfather (1&2.... 3, not so much), All things Clint Eastwood, Godzilla (the real ones, from the 60's), The Warriors, Full Metal Jacket, Jaws..... Real quality flicks!!!!!
So I guess we're planning a trip to Rehoboth (Reheeewwwbth in "philly-ese") for a week in August with awla the Chigahgo Posse. We really enjoyed the last trip we took there a few years ago. It's gonna be cool with the baby. I wonder what he'll think of the ocean? I guess we'll have to lube him up with like SPF45, cuz he WHITE!!!!! It's a sweet setup cuz the condo is like right on Delaware Bay (Delwrrr Baaaaay in the local vernacular) and its not rough so Master P will be able to chill there. & if he needs to go inside, it's like a 1 min walk to get to the unit... The fishin' is good there too!!!!!
Gotta Go!! Uh buh bye!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Yeah, So here are the latest and greatest pics of our lil Bubbaloosh straight from the "Parental Paparazzi". Master P can never escape the lens of the Parental Paparazzi camera... Not even in the sink for a relaxing bath time..... He had his 1st pasta experience last night.... Ronzoni (sono buoni) pastina... I'm not sure what he thought of it, but I'm sure he'll learn to live macaroni like the rest of us!! He's been "singing" again and jumping all around. It's kinda funny!!!! Check out how his eyes are a different color in every picture!!!
So I scheduled my hospital apt. for next Wednesday, so I expect all'a yous to go down to your local places of worship an light a candle!!!!!!!! Or at the very least when yous crack open a beer or somethin' think a posative thought for me!!! If the Dr. finds anything that he can "correct" then I gotta spend the night.... And lemme tell ya, there ain't much sleepin when you stay in the hospital... It seems like there's always one poor bastards who moans in pain all night, then the nurses station gets loud cuz to them it's like 2 in the afternoon, not 2 in the morning!!!! And of course once you do fall asleep, they gotta wake you up to see if your still alive, & if you are they take a blood pressure.... Then I can't go up stairs, or hold anything heavier than a gallon of milk for like a week or two.... At least I know what to expect since this is my 3rd time getting this done..... Well, I gotta go pick the Buberino up from "school"....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Super Stent-o-rific

Well, here we go again.... Today I had my follow up cartiologist apointment after the nuclear stress test I took a while back..... I got a little bit of a suprise when the Dr. gave me the news that the same area where he put 2 stents in a few years ago is clogged up again.... Yeah I got problems.... In the LAD artery.... You know... "The Widow Maker" as it is known in the medical world.... So I gotta make a trip to the hospital and get "catheterized".... that's when they put a small camera at the end of a wire & snake it up your artery in the groin into the heart. If they see a blockage they can handle then they slap a stent into it..... If it is real bad they abort the mission & schedule you for a bypass..... I really hope I don't need a bypass cuz that looks painful.... I'm kinda bummin' about this...... I mean for the most part I try to do the right stuff.... I eat mostly veges, I excersize...... Oh well..... It's kinda tough to keep a posative outlook when you get kicked in the nuts all the time........ I'm thinking about finding a less stressful job, cuz stress is a big killer to people like me.... Unfortunately a less stressful job will probly mean a $40,000 pay cut.... which means that i won't be able to pay the mortgage and the repo man will take the house, but I'll be alive....... or I could stay in sales and be dead in a few years...... but we'll have the house! I don't know....... I feel bad for stressing Maggie out...... And now we have the baby & I have to be healthy so I can be around to help take care of him and be his daddy.... And be Maggies Husband...... I'm stressing!!!!!!! I had to have a Clan McGregor when I got home......

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

more pix

well, I tried to add a video & the darn computer wouldn't let me...... so yous guys'll have to make do with these pictures till I can get the video up.... It was like 68 degrees today, but now "they" are calling for the snow on Saturday.... I guess we have to take it as it comes.... Nothing really new to report, other than the new bouncy chair... I for one am done with this winter sh*t..... I can't wait for the spring.... Stay off steroids everybody.....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boing... boing.... boing.....

So we got this jumping think that you hang from the molding in a doorway (thanks Jeremy & Sylvie!!)... I had reservations at first cuz the way our house is built a 20 pound baby jumping might take a whole wall out!! Well, I'm happy to report that we tried it out & no walls fell down! As you can see from our Sports Illustrated-esque "action" photos our little man has a blast bouncing around! We have video that Maggie shot of him going berzerk in the thing! When we remember how to post video we'll share that with all'a yous!!!!
Yeah, so it's been gosh darned cold out. We had a little break and it got into the 40's, but then it snowed & this morning it was 6 degrees again...... I'm gettin real tired of this winter sh*t & moving to a warmer climate is looking better & better..... So that's the story here in Jersey, cold & bouncey!!!!!!!
I been trying to think of something healthy to eat cuz my physique is somewhere 'tween chewed bubblegum & Grimace from McDonalds, but I can't get yummy, gooey, unhealthy, stent causing comfort food outta my head!!!! See this cold winter makes me wanna eat all the things that Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizen say are no good for you.... I mean a salad & walnuts or pizzer & baked ziti??? I'm goin pizzer all the way! Well, I gotta get going.....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back in Jersey

Yeah, so I'm back in Jersey. I had an eventful trip to the land of Beef & Butter! I'd like to take a few seconds to give shoutouts to awl the people who helped make this trip possible. Thanks Trish, Randy & Dash for picking me up from the airport, gettin' the car to me & hangin' out on Sunday night! I hope the "Shrimpzoto" was good! Thanks to Amy for letting me use her car, it was fun drivin' stick again & for helping Maggie out back in Jersey!!!!! Thanks Jane & Henry for coming to hang out on Sunday, it was great to see you guys! Thanks to Seagrams 7 for getting me into the zone on Sunday! Thanks to my Moms for picking up the baby on Monday!!! Thanks to Gigi & Papa Ken for the letting me stay at their casa & feeding me those great dinners!!!! Pasta con Sarde.... MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

So take a look a the pictures of the largest icicle ever!!!! It's cool cuz it developed away from the building on the wires!!!! It formed behind Gigi & papa Ken's house, we were waiting for the wires to come down!!!!!!! Of course I couldn't help myself & had to post a few new pics of Master P..... I expect raving peoples!!!!

So I had a busy.... busy trip.... I've become very proficient at geting "downtown" (listen to me soundinn' like I know where I'm going!) from Evanston. I went back & forth to McKormick Place & the Hotel the rest of my peeps were staying at about 1,000 times. We went to Ditkas (ya know from da bears) Steakhouse for a party one night & ate at a great steakhouse another night! All on all it was a great trip. The tradeshow was very impressive. Next year it's gonna be in Orlando, and the year after that in Vegas!!! HAAAAAAY!!!!

It was hard being away from my family for such a long time. It's crazy how alone you feel when your away from the ones you love the most. By the end of the trip I was "chompin' at the bit" to get home!! Maggie helped out bigtoim by getting me on an earlier flight, for free!!!! Go Babe!! Of course the plane broke once we boarded & they had us sit in there for an hour while they fixed it! But with a 100 mph tailwind we made up the time in the air & were only 15 min late to Newark (pronounced Newrk)... Jerry (my pops) was there to pick me up in his new ride, a Toyoter Camry... I was the 1st passenger!!!! After a short car ride I was home, hopped in my car & picked up the baby. We went home to wait for Maggie!!! Soon we were all together again!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Special shoutout to Maggie for the great job shovelling because of course there was a blizzard when I was gone!!!!!